10/20/23 Watch or Listen time is 0:20, Story by Tom (Treyeshua) Tomeny

Local news has died in larger metro areas. The economics of traditional local newspapers just don’t work anymore in places that are not distinct from their surrounding metro area.  KSl and  the Deseret News just don't have the time and resources to cover a specific place like Orem well.

And the death of local news has meant the death of local accountability, for local governments and other institutions. Horrible things are happening to individuals and our community, and people are not now finding out about them.

And, at the same time, miraculous good things are happening as well, and we plan to bring you those stories too.

We will never be a news conglomerate. What we hope to be is a network of small owner operated news teams, each focusing exclusively on a single community while supporting one another as a community of news operations. 

This will work for all as you choose to be well informed and get involved. You can watch, listen, or read our content but most importantly, subscribe and respond in the Youtube comments. Creating a reliable local news source depends more on you than me or any single person, let’s do this together.